Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Customer Service Guiding Principles

Customer Service is something we all expect, and usually, take for granted when we are on the receiving end, no matter what the situation. Customer satisfaction cannot be dependent on one customer, on one representative or on the mood of the moment, it has to be an ideal that everyone strives to abide by; an ethos inherent throughout the company. It is the personal obligation of every member of staff when interacting with customers, to maintain our level of commitment to them, in the knowledge that we will always put their customers first.

The following guidelines are embraced by all employees at all times:

  • Never be part of the problem, always be part of the solution.
  • Customers are the reason for our work, not an interruption to it.
  • Use the telephone courteously and efficiently to communicate the best possible impression to our customers
  • A positive attitude goes a long, long way.
  • Reply to all correspondence, including e-mails, within one working day.
  • Every call is to be treated with the same courtesy, regardless of client or situation.
  • Never talk down to anyone who is not communicating at your level.
  • Especially with technical language – not everyone has the same level of knowledge as you!
  • Listen to the customer’s emotions with your eyes as well as your ears.
  • Take complaints professionally, not personally.
  • Welcome a complaint as a positive opportunity to improve.
  • Remember your colleagues are customers too, always treat them with respect.
  • Show appreciation.
  • Fair, courteous and professional treatment.
  • Information that is accurate and current.
  • Timely responses to requests.
  • Reasonable access to appropriate staff.
  • Two-way communication.
  • Accurate and timely information about upgrades and new developments where appropriate.
  • We will strive to follow the above guidelines at all times. Always remember, with any form of communication with our customers, you are representing the company.

SYSPRO IDEAL Implementation Methodology

  • Handover Meeting
  • Customer Start-up Meeting
  • Resource Identification
  • Scoping
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Project Planning
  • Infrastructure Assessment
  • Business/Process Review
  • Solutions Specification and Modeling
  • Gap Analysis and Resolution
  • Education Review
  • Hardware Infrastructure Readiness
  • Sample Data Creation
  • Solution Build
  • Solution Simulation
  • Test Script Creation
  • Data Migration Test
  • Acceptance Testing
  • End-user Training
  • Readiness Testing
  • Production Master Data Import
  • Go/No-Go Review
  • Balance Take-On
  • Balancing the System
  • Cutover to SYSPRO
  • Go-Live Support
  • First Month-End Support
  • Support Documentation
  • Support Handover
  • Account Management Handover
  • Project Close
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